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The End of Websites


I’ve slowly let this blog turn to seed and die out, as the attention of the whole world turns to social media.

I’ve noticed website traffic declining ever since the cultural takeover of Instagram, Snapchat, etc. and along with that, my own website use has dwindled. I’ve posted far fewer updates to this site, and even less than that to this blog, since basically no one reads blogs anymore?

This was always a labor of love and not profit or mass audience cultivation, but as all the eyeballs move to Instagram, it has taken over as the defacto blog of choice, since the platform lends itself to quick, easy, effective content sharing, especially for visual creators like me.

As the task of staying relevant and worthy of someone’s attention becomes increasingly difficult, and the pace of changing internet trends gets increasingly difficult to keep up with too (it would seem?), I’ve found it also more difficult to produce the long format art-related content I love. Explaining things, teaching things, revealing insights to the curious through writing has always been enjoyable to me. I have 2 sold out books now only available as ebooks (here!) because of that love.

And just because websites and blogs seem to be dying, doesn’t mean I’m creating any less; you can follow all of my work in all mediums on Instagram, of course. And I’ll always post new paintings on this website, in their respective gallery categories. As well as post major announcements to the front page.

For now, since I have no major projects or shows in the works with deadlines to observe, I am available for commissions.


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